Doctoral and Postdoctoral positions available at the Del Rio-Tsonis lab to conduct research in the area of regenerative biology of the eye using classical salamander and chicken embryo model organisms. The lab currently has two NIH funded projects focused on using molecular tools such CRISPRCas technology, as well as single cell/nucleus transcriptomics, ATACseq, proteomics, Cut & Run analysis, methylome analyses, and conventional cell culture and cell biology/imaging techniques such as HCR in situ hybridization. The goal is to identify genetic and epigenetic switches required to induce retina and lens regeneration in non-competent tissues/animals. Looking for highly motivated individuals with a passion for science and with appropriate experience in cell/developmental/molecular biology, bioinformatics and data processing. Send me a message if you like to discuss these opportunities further or email me at delriok@miamioh.edu.